A51 - eng
What: TANGENZIALE EST MILANO Noise Mitigation System and sound Barriers
Who: Milano Serravalle
Where: Cologno Monzese (MI) - Italy
When: 2007 winning project in international competition | 2008 - 2012 project | ongoing
AREA: 2.065 Km
AREA49: Giacomo Penco | Proginvest
The project involves the use of a modular construction system composed of several functional elements to form a curved and shaped network that develops in parallel to the traffic lanes in both directions and which, depending on the degree of sound absorption required, appear in some sections as simple curved barriers of varying height and in others as real tunnels partly open and partly closed that completely cover the motorway.
The triangular network structure is joined in the final section by an artificial tunnel with a prefabricated double-arched structure.
A green area will be built on the roof of the artificial tunnel as a link between the two parts of the city and an extension of the existing garden to the south.
The intervention is substantially developed within the boundaries of the existing motorway route with some slight trespassing mainly due to the maintenance of the straightness of the structure and the route.
Intervention Length | 2,065 km
Low Barriers Length | 270 m
High Barriers Length | 535 m
Double Barriers Length | 478 m
Glass Gallery Length | 410 m
Artificial Tunnel Length | 150 m
Garden surface | 13.500 sq. m
Preliminary design and design development per appalto integrato.
Design team
SINA s.p.a.
Structural Engineer | Ing. Stefano Rossi
Mechanical and electrical | SINA s.p.a.
Urban design | SINA s.p.a.
Landscape design | Arch. Pierluigi Marchesini Viola
Glass structure design | Arch. A. Crotti
Acustic consultant | SINA s.p.a.