Lema factory - eng
Lema Factory
What: Industrial establishment Lema Spa
Who: Lema SpA
Where: SP 342, Alzate Brianza (CO) - Italy
When: 2011 - 2012
AREA: 4800 sq. m
AREA49: Davide Camera | Camera&Partners
Extension project for an industrial site by direct intervention on a total area of 4,800 sqm and a connection through passing tunnels to the existing site for a total built up area of 35,000 sqm on a territorial area of 85,000 sqm.
Preliminary design, design development, detailed design, structures and plans, site supervision
Design team
Arch. Cristina Viganò (C&P)
Structural Engineer | Ing. M. Faravelli
Mechanical | CITI srl
Electrical | P.I. Dario Colzani
Urban Planning procedure/Code consultant | Arch. Davide Camera - Arch. Cristina Viganò
Fire prevention | CITI srl
Construction Company | F.lli Caglio srl
Site supervision | Geom. Augusto Camera
Photographer | Francesca Iovene