Piave Area - eng

Piave Area


What: Integrated Intervention Plan for the transformation of a former industrial area
Who: Imm. Piave 83 srl
Where: Via Ghilini, Monza (MB) - Italy
When: 2014 - 2019
AREA: 10.000 sq. m
AREA49: Davide Camera | Camera&Partners

The urban redevelopment of the portion adjacent to the Lambro river of the former Cascamificio Italiano through the integrated plan of intervention provides a design scheme that defines a series of public and private spaces in close interconnection, outlining some main areas (both in functional and morphological terms):

  • A) the pedestrian square on two levels / the sidewalk on Via Ghilini which is a connecting element between the exterior, Via Ghilini, and the main residential buildings inside the area.

  • B) The recovered industrial building, a structure with a particular architectural value, through a careful restyling intervention that involves the enhancement of the stylistic elements, the removal of the ground floor with the creation of a porch and the introduction of a glass space, became the protagonist of the intervention. 

  • C) The new restructured building with demolition and reconstruction assumes a particular morphological value in identifying the continuity of the road size through "the alignment of the fifth building". 

  • D) The design of the landscape system involves a couple of problems: on one hand, the choice of the species has to be matched with the important preexisting species of the Lambro river, identifying native species. On the other hand, the design of the garden, of the rows of trees with a north-south line, in the various sizes (high and medium trunk and bushes), identifies a precise relationship with the principle of settlement of the buildings in absolute harmony between public and private spaces.

  • E) The remaining new structures are arranged maintaining, for the most part, the orientation of the sediments and paths of the original layout.


Preliminary design, design development

Design team
Arch. Lorenzo Astulfoni (C&P)

Structural engineer | Ing. G. Borella
Mechanical | CITI srl
Electrical | Studio Sangiorgio
Urban Planning procedure/Code consultant | Arch. Davide Camera
Project management | Arch. Davide Camera
Fire prevention | CITI srl