Rovigno building - eng

Rovigno Building


What: Building renovation with extension for residential use
Who: Messulam Spa
Where: Milan, Italy
When: 2014 - 2018
AREA: 2500 sq. m
AREA49: Davide Camera, Ilaria Camera | Camera&Partners

The project envisages the preservation of the main existing building on the corner of Rovinj Street converted into a residence, the demolition of all those parts of recent additional structures, considered to be of little interest, and the construction of a new building also intended as a residence, for a total of 32 accommodation units.
Special care has been taken in preserving the existing building's street facade marked by a simple but elegant design consisting of pilasters, frames and stringcourses typical of the early 20th century in Milan. The new building, on the other hand, has its own, contemporary style features; a "parasite" building that will attach itself to the existing historical building, in a backward position, a juxtaposition, almost simulating a interpenetration on the former, or forming a sort of background for it. The whole appears unified by the sloping line of the roof flashing. In the new structure there are no extensions, no balconies, only covered exterior corridors (loggia). 
The design of the windows is conceived without vertical alignments or repetitions, but within frames that surround them in a larger area ( two or three floors) and draw a free, random composition on the skin of the facade.


Preliminary design, design development, detailed design, site supervision, art direction, furniture design, urban planning procedures and safety coordination

Design team
Arch. Lorenzo Astulfoni (C&P)

Structural Engineer | Garassino SRL
Mechanical | CITI srl
Electrical | Mirko Rossetti
Urban Planning Procedure/Code Consultant | Arch. Davide Camera
Fire prevention | Ing.Rapisarda
Construction company | Tierre Immobiliare SRL
Site Supervision | Arch.Tommaso Donatelli
Safety coordination | Ing.Rapisarda
Photographer | Francesca Iovene