Ventura office - eng
Ventura Office
What: office space
Who: private
Where: Milan - Italy
When: 2007
AREA: 500 sq. m
AREA49: Marilena Magalotti | m&a_mutti&architetti
A space inside the former office building of the Faema factory. The layout was inspired by an enhancement of the large open surfaces, maintaining an open space that overlooks the opposite windows, designed as a double façade/greenhouse that serves as a filter, a heat chamber, between the interior and the exterior, and consists of a terrace that extends along the entire length of the windows.
The materials resume their industrial usage: from the smoothed concrete floor, to the loft archive made with the old metal structures of the recovered shelves, to the design of the tables made with multilayer building site panels and bases with shelf structure.
Preliminary design, design development, detailed design, site supervision, art direction, furniture design
Design team
Arch. Gianluigi Mutti, Arch. Piera Patera (m&a)
Photographer | Santi Caleca